Saturday, June 13, 2009

Perang Salib

Pembunuhan Terhadap Umat Islam Berterusan.

Malah lebih hebat apabila umat Islam dibunuh di masjid.

Bukan lagi disorokkan, tetapi pembunuhan secara terbuka.

Teliti kes-kes berikut,

Iraq Sunni leader assassinated at mosque

The mosque in Yarmouk, Baghdad
Mr Obeidi gunned down at Al-Shawaf mosque in western Baghdad

The head of Iraq's Sunni parliamentary bloc has been assassinated at a mosque in the capital, in an attack that has killed at least four other people.

Harith al-Obaidi, a human-rights advocate, was shot as he left a mosque in the Yarmouk area of western Baghdad.

Iraqi police said a teenager carried out the attack. He was shot dead by a guard as he tried to escape.

Prime Minister Nouri Maliki has said violence is likely to increase before Iraq's general election next year.

Mr Obaidi was the leader of Iraq's Accordance Front. A university professor with a doctorate in Islam, he had just finished delivering the sermon at Friday prayers.

Iraqi police said the youth opened fire as worshippers began to leave the mosque, killing Mr Obaidi and one of his body guards. He then threw a hand grenade to cover his escape, causing further casualties.

The BBC's Jim Muir in Baghdad says the assumption will be that this attack was carried out by insurgents from Mr Obeidi's own Sunni community, who have often targeted Sunnis involved with the government.

Kes Ke -2 from :

"At least four people died in Nowshera when an explosives-laden vehicle ploughed into a mosque during Friday prayers-causing the roof of the mosque fall in. Scores were injured, and a local hosptial appealed for blood."

Dan kes yang paling hampir dengan kita di Selatan Thailand


Ten killed in Thai mosque attack

An injured man outside a hospital in the Cho-i-Rong distrist of Narathiwat, Thailand
Police say the gunmen opened fire on worshippers at a mosque

Suspected militants carrying assault rifles have killed at least 10 people and wounded 12 more in a mosque in southern Thailand, police say.

Gunmen opened fire on worshippers during evening prayers in the mosque in troubled Narathiwat province. The local imam was among the dead, reports said.

Three other attacks in Narathiwat this week have left three people dead.

More than 3,700 people have died during a five-year insurgency in southern Thailand's mainly Muslim provinces.

"They opened fire indiscriminately at about 50 worshippers inside the mosque," a police official said to AFP on condition of anonymity.

He said up to five gunmen entered the mosque in Cho-ai-rong district through the back door, although an army spokesman said there were two attackers who entered from separate entrances.


The attack comes amid a flare-up of violence in the troubled province in the last week.


Earlier in the day, suspected militants shot dead a rubber tapper in Rangae district and several soldiers were injured in a bomb blast in the neighbouring Rueso district, Reuters news agency reported.

Last week two people were killed in another attack by suspected militants in the province.

Previous attacks in the region, which borders Malaysia, have been blamed on Muslim insurgents.

But they tend to target people perceived to be collaborating with the Bangkok government, or to try to force Buddhist residents from the area and establish an Islamic state.

Thailand annexed the three southern provinces - Narathiwat, Yala and Pattani - in 1902, but the vast majority of people there are Muslim and speak a Malay dialect, in contrast to the Buddhist Thai speakers in the rest of the country.